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Business and Blogging

July 14th, 2008

When Blogging Is Not Enough

During my daily reading today I ran across this post, Do Blogs Really Earn Business?, by James Chartrand over at Men with Pens. The post was written in response to the question, Do Blogs Work, from Graham Strong’s A Few Strong Words blog.

If you’ve been reading Business and Blogging for a while then you already know that Liz and I are strongly in favor of business blogs. If done right, a business blog can enhance the marketing, PR, and customer relations efforts of most companies.

The previous posts inspired me, though. I don’t think that I’m contradicting our pro business blogging stance here when I say that there are a few instances when having a business blog will do you no good.

Here are some of those instances:

  • When you’re not really serious about being in business.
  • When your product or service is shoddy or second rate.
  • When you operate an illegal business.
  • When you’re dishonest in your business dealings.
  • When you don’t post to your business blog - ever.
  • When you respond rudely to readers’ comments.
  • When the information on your business blog is inaccurate.
  • When you use the business blog to publish offensive or inappropriate materials.

If any of the above statements describes your business or your business blog, then blogging will not be enough to help your business succeed. Word of your bad business practices will get out.

Have you ever been mislead by a business blog? How did it make you feel?

JULY 18TH, 2008

Murphy’s Law and Blogging

( Well, I’m sure you’ve heard it before: If anything can go wrong - it will!

I’m here to tell you that this law holds true even for blogging while traveling on business. It’s quite possible that: the hotel Lan connection will be defective the business meetings will over-run you’ll be invited to an unexpected business dinner you’ll experience tummy upset from a combination of jet lag and rich food…..

………and you’ll miss your opportunity to post

To avoid disruption when things unexpectedly go wrong, it’s possible to:

pre-schedule a blog post

ask a guest to write a blog post for you

let your readers know that you may have trouble blogging that week

and if all that fails, you can always write a post about the experience!!

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